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Saturday, May 17, 2008

Hi this is Chin Hwee being a late-night slacker. Whee......

Yeah it's been more than 4 months since Orientation, and as we edge towards the end of our first semester (very first, in RJC) with our GP Common Tests *shivers*, cheers for our OG for continually being a significant gathering under the Wishing Well! (: I bet some people who saw our OG gathering there must have been jealous. =P So continue to go to the Wishing Well every morning (except Mondays) and interact with your rocking OG mates! Yeah, just try to go there. There will always be people there to wait for you (like me, who wait for everyone until I unknowingly fall asleep >.<).

So most of you would have had your own group of good friends from your class already. However, never ever forget or neglect your rocking OG mates (especially me!). Yeah, we even had mass mugging on Thursday.(: See how happening our OG is!

Let's continue meeting up at the Wishing Well every morning all the way until end of next year eh? (:

This is Chin Hwee, once again. She desperately needs to destress, so here she is...

Blogged @ 1:36 AM
bbsiiiiiix!!!! -

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Dead blog! *does CPR on blog again*

Yeah it's someone's birthday tomorrow. A very fantastic OG mate who is always waiting at the Wishing Well early in the mornings. If you don't know who he/she is, shame on you. He/she will not hesitate to loudly complain that you don't even bother about his/her existence because he/she has never failed to be there and you cannot fail to notice her unless you are (a) deaf and/or (b)blind and/or (c)living in your own world.

So remember to send him/her your wishes (to appease him/her)! I as a very nice person will also be doing that, so if you want to be a very nice person, do it too! (=

This is Chin Hwee, signing off.

Blogged @ 8:20 PM
bbsiiiiiix!!!! -

Sunday, March 16, 2008

sadly, the first day of sch starts tmr! i haven't had much of a holiday with the 4-day soccer camp which was sincerely tiring. i mean, we slept at 12 and woke up at 530 for 3 days in a row :(. that's not enough sleep for the sleep-obssessed me. well anyway, it was fruitful and enjoyable at the same time. this was the sky over the RJ field on the last day of camp... a good omen i believe!

hope everyone has a colourful term ahead!

Blogged @ 8:09 PM
bbsiiiiiix!!!! -

Friday, March 14, 2008

Hey BB06 T'ruffles! Having a nice March holiday so far? Why is this place so dead? *does CPR on the dying blog* Ok done.

Shall we have a nice OG revival on the first day of Term 2 of school? Place of gathering to be the Wishing Well (BB Town if you don't know where is that), time to be anytime before 9.20am. Activities could include mugging together as an OG (no no not with your usual cliques, I mean with your fellow BB06 T'ruffles mates, including those you don't usually mix with!), playing games somewhere, having mass talk-crap sessions etc. Any activity will do, as long as you don't leave out people (like me!).

I know the OG spirit has somehow faded a bit as you all go on with your busy lives, but think about the friendships you made in BB06 T'ruffles, and how we as an OG have come this far. Well, I do not dislike the OG, but I think something should be done to maintain the connections we have in this community that we belong to. If not, why would I bother initiating anything? (=

Ok since I myself have taken the initiative, please don't break my heart. Spread the message to other OG mates if you see this post and please suggest any activity that we can do during this rare opportunity we have for an OG revival. (=

Oh yes. This is (if you have guessed) Chin Hwee. Yes. Everything I said in this post, I really mean it.

Blogged @ 11:33 PM
bbsiiiiiix!!!! -

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Finally, the most-awaited day has arrived - the last day of school for RJC students. Due to RJC being the venue for the Raffles Community Leaders' Forum, today is our last day for our first school term in RJC. Sounds good eh?

Well, I am sorry to those whom I shouted/threw my temper/gave highly disgusted looks at. I was just too pissed with a lot of stuff. Exactly what stuff? Ask me on MSN. I might tell you if I feel like it. >.< Lol.

My existence in the OG is woefully neglected yet again today. )= It made my already pissed mood worse, so I almost blew up. >.< So yeah, sorry if I happen to explode at you.

So...I shall now present you all with the coolest clock I've ever seen!

This extremely ingenious clock by the Triple Nine Society consists of only nines! Triple-nine on your clock - isn't that cooler than your numerals clock?

Yeah haha can we have an OG outing during the March holidays? Any day is ok for me so far. How about you all?

Yes. This is Chin Hwee posting. Too bad if you like neither math or me.

Blogged @ 5:27 PM
bbsiiiiiix!!!! -

Monday, March 3, 2008

hello all! yesterday was a fateful day as i went for the 'number one' haircut. therefore, i now look something like this:

i think the resemblance is rather uncanny. haha. speaking of michael scofield, i think our local prisonbreaker is quite cunning. my dad believes that his limp is actually a fake and he's now running around happily! haha... who knows?

it's 3 days to the holidays or maybe even 2, if wednesday becomes a holiday (please please please). i took my chem make-up test today, and it was disgusting. i think i lost some brain cells along with my hair :(

Blogged @ 8:45 PM
bbsiiiiiix!!!! -

Friday, February 29, 2008

Hey just would like to publicize something (this is from the grassroots),

There is this writers' guild ihc going on, as you can see from the posters. The deadline has been pushed back again to 3rd march, week 10 monday, so please do participate and help spread this message around to all your BB friends!
- 1 submission per person, can be of any form (essay, story, haiku, etc) and about anything
- max 500 words, email to writers' guild (writers.ihc@ gmail.com)
we hope that everyone in BB will be able to submit 1 piece each, its not hard (you can submit old old stuff if you don't want to write something new). participation points play a big part in the overall standings for this- I think we are currently 4th, so please do go out there and encourage your friends to join in! :) Please do a part for the house!

Blogged @ 8:52 PM
bbsiiiiiix!!!! -